Spine Compression Fracture

Spine Compression Fracture

A spine compression fracture is a break or breaks in your vertebrae. Gunn IMS is a great treatment for helping with the associated muscle spasm if the fracture is surgically repaired.

The vertebrae are the bones in the back stacked on top of one another to make the spine. The spine upholds a person’s weight, permits them to move, and safeguards the spinal cord and the nerves that go from it to the remainder of the body. Moreover, the height of the vertebrae can shorten because they can easily collapse. The pieces of the bone push on the spinal cord, and nerves limit blood and oxygen flow.

Causes of Compression Fractures:

Osteoporosis is the most well-known reason for spinal compression fractures. It is a condition that softens the bone leading it to break easily. Bones normally debilitate with age.


When fractures start emerging, they may not cause any side effects. A medical services supplier might find them through X-rays. However, the common side effects include:

  • Gradual increment in back pain — lying on the back might alleviate the aggravation, and standing might exacerbate it.
  • A decline in the height.
  • Restricted movement of the spine.
  • A hunched posture is called kyphosis. Frequently, the front side of the vertebra loses its height, yet the backside doesn’t. Accordingly, these breaks can make the stance bend forward over the long haul.
  • Numbness, loose muscles, issues while walking, and conceivable difficulty controlling the bladder and bowel movement.

Risk Factors:

Osteoporosis is the most well-known reason for fractures. Forestalling treating osteoporosis is the ideal way to diminish the risk. Most pressure cracks connected to osteoporosis are tracked down in ladies, particularly after menopause. In any case, more seasoned men foster osteoporosis and compression fractures.

Individuals who have had one pressure break connected with osteoporosis are at a higher-than-normal risk of having another.


The medical practitioner will talk about the well-being history and recent medical conditions and perform a physical test. They will verify where a person has pain and whether the upper spine is hunched. The medical officer will need to get photos of the spine utilising CT scans, X-rays, and MRI.

However, when the medical officer suspects osteoporosis, one might require a bone scan for density. It is called dual-energy X-ray absorptiometry (DEXA).


Assuming that the fractures are connected with osteoporosis, the medical officer will need to treat the osteoporosis. One might have to take bone-fortifying medication and calcium and vitamin D enhancements. These things assist with making the bones more grounded and can assist with forestalling compression fractures.

Different kinds of treatment include:

  • Gunn Intramuscular Stimulation (IMS)
  • Medications for back pain.
  • Bed rest for a brief time frame, trailed by restricted movement while the bones recuperate.
  • Wearing back support.
  • Exercise-based healing to help move better and reinforce the muscles around the spine.

Other surgical procedures used are:

  • Vertebroplasty. 
  • Kyphoplasty.
  • Fusion.

Complications of compression fractures include:

  • Cracked bones that don’t recuperate after treatment, causing harm to vertebrae.
  • Blood clots in the legs because of immobility.
  • Kyphosis can prompt extreme pain and issues with organs in the chest.
  • Nerve problems in the spinal cord.
  • Chronic pain.

Prevention regiment for the Individuals:

Don’t smoke and restrict the drinking of alcohol to lessen and avoid osteoporosis and specific sorts of malignant growth. Doing weight-bearing activities to fortify your muscles and bones and equilibrium activities can also really help as well. Our specialist Personal Trainer, Joe Cave offers his services from our exclusive training studio and can help you achieve your fitness goals. To find out more click here

Spinal Compression Fractures are breaks of the spine that affect up to 50% of individuals of older age. Preventing osteoporosis or treating it is the most effective way to assist with forestalling fractures. Consult with the medical officer whether one is in danger of osteoporosis and find out what can be done afterwards.


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Compression fractures: Causes, symptoms, treatment & prevention. Cleveland Clinic. (n.d.). Retrieved May 30, 2022, from https://my.clevelandclinic.org/health/diseases/21950-compression-fractures

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McCARTHY, J. A. S. O. N., & Davis, A. (2016, July 1). Diagnosis and management of vertebral compression fractures. American Family Physician. Retrieved May 30, 2022, from https://www.aafp.org/pubs/afp/issues/2016/0701/p44.html

WebMD. (n.d.). Symptoms of spinal compression fractures. WebMD. Retrieved May 30, 2022, from https://www.webmd.com/osteoporosis/guide/spinal-compression-fractures-symptoms

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