Long Jump Plyometrics

Plyometrics is a term that was presented in 1975 by an American Olympic-style events mentor, Fred Wilt. Even though instituted in 1975, plyometric practices were being utilised in the ’60s by Soviet competitors, which drove Fred to his examination nearby. The word has its root in Latin; “Plio” signifies “more,” and “metrics” signifies “to gauge or measure”.

Plyometrics include rapid stretch, a powerful concentric withdrawal followed by a transition period before the fall or landing.

The goal of Long Jumping/Plyometrics:

The objective of utilising plyometric training is to achieve maximum muscular force in the shortest period. This training module is generally advantageous to runners and competitors who require a fast increment in speed. Plyometric injuries regularly happen because competitors excessively exercise or by an inaccurate method of the activity. Here are some points to diminish the probability of plyometric injuries:

  • Land on the most significant conceivable surface zone of the foot via arriving on toes before delicately moving down onto the heels.
  • Plyometric practices are typically just suggested to advanced and experienced athletes.
  • Take long rests among sets and consistently stop when feeling excessively exhausted.

Phases of Long Jumping/Plyometrics:

The loading phase:

The loading stage is the point at which the athlete previously hit the ground before bouncing back to jump.

Coupling Phase:

It is the short stage of transition between the loading and unloading stages when joint angles and ground reaction forces will alter course. During this time, the muscle-ligament length is steady, and it is in a condition of isometric enactment.

Unloading phase:

The time frame from when the muscle-ligament unit starts to abbreviate through to when the foot leaves the ground.

Effectiveness of Plyometrics in Physical Health:

  • Plyometrics increment strength in the leg muscles and decreases the effect on joints.
  • It’s even safe for kids and young people when performed under the direction of a physiotherapist who can evaluate the patient’s degree of capacity and make an altered program.
  • Plyometrics stresses quality rather than amount, and training should be led by a trainer and management of a physiotherapist to prevent injury.
  • The method can significantly improve vertical jumps and erratic movements within an assortment of athletic events.

Importance on Long Jumping/Plyometrics in Training Athletes:

  • The activities are practical and significant as the running movement/stresses applied on tissues can be duplicated. In light of this, plyometric practices are best utilised in various planes of movement.
  • In recent years plyometrics has made a name that recommends advantage in an assortment of sporting settings, including high-intensity games like running.
  • An athlete can likewise apply the upgrades found in the change of course of speed, explosive force, and vertical jump to middle-long distance running, for instance, in fartlek training where an athlete requires a change in speed or during a competition to alter course, dodge an object or speed up out of nowhere.
  • Plyometric practices are a precious instrument in a physio’s toolbox. They can be instrumental while getting a competitor back to full health as they can begin to recreate and control dynamic and functional movements required when running.
  • It is in every case great to break the redundant pattern of running training, particularly on the off chance that the athlete doesn’t join a good assortment of solidarity in the regime.

Plyometrics, also known as “jump training”, are training/recovery methods customarily used to improve dynamic strength and explosive force. They are likewise regularly utilised at the last phases of injury recovery to give functional loading, as most sporting activities require some dynamic movement. If tissues are not stressed satisfactorily before getting back to sporting, they will be unprepared and bound to reinjure.


Benefits of PLYOMETRIC exercises – Sports Physiotherapy Montreal. (2019, August 20). Retrieved April 07, 2021, from https://actionsportphysio.com/benefits-of-plyometric-exercises

Jumping injuries. (2021, March 20). Retrieved April 07, 2021, from https://physioworks.com.au/sports-physio/jumping-injuries/

Luke. (2019, July 10). Plyometrics explained. Retrieved April 07, 2021, from https://www.reformphysio.co.uk/plyometrics-explained/

Plyometrics. (2018, December 14). Retrieved April 07, 2021, from https://activephysiohealth.com.au/physio-blog/756/

Solutions, M. P. (2015, April 15). Jump landing: How we MOVE MATTERS! Retrieved April 07, 2021, from https://www.physiospot.com/sponsors/jump-landing-how-we-move-matters/

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